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Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I get medical attention if there are no doctors available at the clinic?


The clinic remains open 6 days per week with limited hours during evenings and weekends. If you need to speak with a doctor, always start by calling the clinic for an appointment first. 

If there are no doctors available, and the situation cannot wait for assessment on the next business day, please seek urgent care by calling 911 or attending your nearest emergency department.



Outside use


In the efforts to provide comprehensive care, always attend Dr. O.K. Medical Center for your medical assessments and health management. 

Providers are not informed of care provided at other clinics, nor do these clinics have your full chart or list of medications.

Use of alternate health care facilities, such as walk-in clinics, results in fragmented care and may provide non-ideal, and sometimes harmful management.

Frequent use may lead to discussions regarding your provider’s ability to provide comprehensive health care services to the patient.



Uninsured services


OHIP does not cover the cost of all services providers can offer, or that patients may need. For the provision of these services, patients are expected to provide payment in full at the time the service is provided.

Please see the Ontario Medical Association for the recommended rates for uninsured services.





Some providers may choose to communicate via email with their patients. Please discuss this option with your provider directly.



I have not heard back from my referred specialist. What should I do?


If you have not heard back regarding a specialist referral within 2-3 weeks with an appointment date and time, please contact your provider to obtain the specialist’s contact details, in order to follow up with them directly.



How should I follow up on test results?


You should discuss with your provider their practices and your preferences regarding test results. If your provider has ordered a test for you, please wait 1-2 weeks upon completion of the test. If you have not heard back from your provider within this time frame, please call the clinic to schedule an appointment to discuss the pending results with your provider.


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