Adult Health Resources
Heart Health
Smoking Cessation
Musculoskeletal conditions
Central Sensitivity Syndromes: chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and their complex relationships
Common Infections
Sexual health: General information on safe sex and common sexually transmitted infections
Stomach, abdomen, and bowel conditions
Senior's Health
Seniors Toronto: activities, discounts, and resources for seniors
Sedative risks in seniors (Ativan, Valiam, Xanax, etc)
Healthy Lifestyle
Metabolic Syndrome
Men's Health
Women's Health
Pregnancy and Parenting: Pregnancy, After Birth Care, Breastfeeding, Miscarriage
Guide to taking contraception after a missed or extended dose
Preventative Screening
Ontario Breast Cancer Screening: average risk 50 to 74; high risk 30 to 69
Ontario Cervical Cancer Screening: sexually active women from age 21 to 70
Colorectal Cancer Screening: average risk 50 to 74 years; can be earlier than 50 if high risk with family history
Lung Cancer Screening Pilot Study for High Risk patients: 55 to 74 years old and smoked cigarettes every day for at least 20 years (it does not have to be 20 years in a row, which means there could be times when you did not smoke)